Committees & Volunteers

Every year the PTO forms committees to work on specific tasks throughout the year. Some committees are ongoing and some occur only once a year. A list of committees and volunteer opportunities with descriptions can be found below. If you decide to chair a committee, you have the flexibility to schedule committee meetings for a time when it's convenient for you. 

The Executive Team is available to help with questions and guidance. 

Please make sure that your volunteer clearances are up to date!

Email: if you are interested in chairing!


Field Day

Held in June. Assist Administration by organizing volunteers to help with water stations throughout the day. Must be able to attend field day.


Help plan and organize Back to School Breakfast and Staff Appreciation. Typically held in August and May. Holiday Gifts - Purchase gifts for Administration Day and Crossing Guard Day. Create a Sign-Up Genius to obtain food donations & volunteers to help with set-up and clean-up. 

Spirit Days

Coordinate with the VP/Fundraising on restaurants or businesses to host Spirit Days/Nights where we get a portion of sales from a particular day or week. Would love to have one each month.

Scholastic Book Fair

Held in the Fall during the week (5 days from 7:45-3pm). Coordinate with Scholastic on delivery and pickup from Pennwood. Obtain volunteers to work in shifts & help with setup, sales and break down. This is a great committee to share with friends.

Spirit Wear 

Help kick off the school year with our school pride sale. Contact  vendor and manage order procedures and delivery of items. If needed, recruit volunteers. This is mostly all done through the computer. Usually fall and then spring.

Box Tops 

Help promote the Box Tops app so our Pennwood families can scan their receipts. Work with the PTO to run contests throughout the year to help boost box tops submissions. This can be done from home.

Marketing Coordinator 

Work with the PTO E-board to create flyers for events and to post on IG (a few times a year). Can be done from home.

8th Grade Happening

Held in June. Help plan, organize activities, prepare the Sign-Up Genius to obtain food donations and volunteers to help run the event. Decide on a theme and create subcommittees to help with the event; tickets, food, decorations etc.


Field Day -- Moselle Conger

Hospitality Committee --Tania Zinych

Spirit Night (local restaurants) Coordinator -- Amy Forsyth

8th Grade Happening -- Christina Alemhoca and Laura Lloyd

Scholastic Book Fair -- Kerri Mulray and Lindsay Schaubman

Spirit Wear -- Leah Haft

Box Tops -- Tina Keefe

Marketing -- Melissa McAnlis