Meeting Dates
& Minutes
Meetings held on 2nd Thursday of each month from 9:30am-10:30am
Meetings held on 2nd Thursday of each month from 9:30am-10:30am
Meetings will be virtual via Google Meets. Links will be sent before the meeting. Most meetings are about 20 minutes long.
Meeting minutes will be posted here if you can't attend.
2024-25 Meetings:
September 12th - Google Meet link
October 10th - Google Meet Link
November 14th - Google Meet Link
No December meeting
January 9th
February 13th
March 13th
April 10th
May 8th
2023-24 Meetings:
September 14th - Meeting Minutes
October 12th - Meeting Minutes
November 9th - Meeting Minutes
No meeting in December
January 11th Meeting Minutes
February 8th Meeting Minutes
March 14th -- Dr. Thomas Smith will be joining us! Meeting Minutes
April 11th Meeting Minutes
May 9th Meet the New Eboard! Meeting Minutes